Indoor Youth Group Games

Indoor Youth Group Games

A youth group is a structured and organized gathering of young individuals, typically teenagers, who come together for various activities, events, and programs designed to cater to their specific needs and interests. Youth groups serve as a space where young people can connect with others their age, share common experiences, and participate in activities that promote personal growth, skill development, and social engagement.

Here are some key aspects of what a youth group entails:

  • Purpose: The primary purpose of a youth group is to provide a supportive and positive environment for young individuals to socialize, learn, and have fun together. It aims to create a sense of community and belonging for its members.
  • Age Range: Youth groups usually target young people in their teenage years, typically between the ages of 12 and 18. Some groups may have more specific age ranges depending on the organization or community they serve.
  • Structure: Youth groups may be organized within schools, religious institutions, community centers, or other organizations. They are often led by adult volunteers, mentors, or youth workers who guide and facilitate activities.
  • Activities: Youth groups engage in a wide range of activities that cater to the interests of their members. These activities may include recreational outings, team-building exercises, workshops, educational sessions, community service projects, cultural events, and discussions on various topics relevant to the youth.
  • Skill Development: Many youth groups focus on providing opportunities for skill development. They may offer workshops or programs that teach leadership, communication, problem-solving, and other valuable life skills.
  • Social and Emotional Support: Youth groups serve as a support system for their members. They provide a safe and inclusive space for young people to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns, and to receive support from peers and mentors.
  • Empowerment and Advocacy: Some youth groups also focus on empowering young people to advocate for causes they care about. They may engage in advocacy work, campaigns, or community projects aimed at making a positive impact.
  • Mentorship: Youth groups often facilitate mentorship programs where older members or adult leaders mentor and guide younger participants, fostering positive role models and promoting personal growth.
  • Networking: Youth groups offer opportunities for young people to expand their social networks and build meaningful friendships. It allows them to connect with peers from diverse backgrounds and experiences.
  • Positive Environment: Youth groups strive to create a positive and accepting atmosphere, free from judgment and discrimination, where young individuals can feel comfortable being themselves.

When I was a kid my favorite part of the youth group was always the games. Specifically the games that could be played indoors. I really like the air conditioning. Here is a list of some of my favorite games we played. 

“Two Truths and a Lie” - “Two Truths and a Lie" is an engaging and interactive icebreaker game that fosters social interaction and encourages participants to get to know each other better. It is a popular game often played at parties, team-building events, workshops, and group gatherings. In this game, each participant takes turns sharing three statements about themselves—two of which are true, and one is a lie. The other participants then try to guess which statement is the lie.

Here's how the game "Two Truths and a Lie" works:

  • Statement Sharing: Each participant takes a turn to share three statements about themselves. The statements can be personal, funny, or related to their experiences or interests.
  • True and False Mix: Out of the three statements shared by each person, two must be true, and one must be a lie. The challenge is for the other participants to identify which statement is the false one.
  • Guessing: After someone shares their three statements, the other participants take turns guessing which statement they believe is the lie. They can ask questions or discuss among themselves to make an informed guess.
  • Reveal: Once everyone has made their guesses, the person who shared the statements reveals which one is the lie. They can then share more details or stories related to the true statements.
  • Next Participant: The game continues with the next participant taking their turn to share three statements.

The game "Two Truths and a Lie" is not only fun and entertaining but also serves several purposes:

  • Icebreaker: It helps break the ice and encourages participants to interact in a lighthearted and engaging way, especially in groups where people may not know each other well.
  • Team Building: In team-building settings, the game fosters camaraderie and builds trust among team members as they learn more about each other.
  • Communication Skills: Participants practice active listening and effective communication as they ask questions and make guesses based on the statements shared.
  • Creativity and Imagination: Coming up with interesting and believable statements allows participants to showcase their creativity and imagination.
  • Bonding and Connection: The game encourages bonding and strengthens connections among participants as they share personal information and stories.

"Two Truths and a Lie" is a versatile and enjoyable game that suits various group settings and age groups. It creates a positive and inclusive atmosphere, making it a great addition to any social gathering or team-building activity.


Nine Square - Nine Square is a fast-paced and fun ball game that combines elements of volleyball and four square. It is typically played in a large square court divided into nine smaller squares, with players standing in their respective squares. The objective is to hit the ball into other players' squares while following specific rules to advance and score points.

Here's how the game of Nine Square is played:

  • Court Setup: A square court is drawn or created with ropes, cones, or markers. The court is divided into nine equal squares, labeled from 1 to 9, with one player standing in each square.
  • Serving: The game starts with a player serving the ball from the center square (Square 5) by hitting it underhand to any of the other squares. The ball must travel over the center line and bounce once in the receiving player's square before they can hit it.
  • Ball Movement: Once the ball is in play, players must hit the ball into another player's square, aiming to avoid hitting it out of bounds or into the net. Each player can hit the ball only once before it goes to the next player.
  • Advancement: The objective is to advance to Square 1 and eventually become the "King" in Square 1. To do this, a player must successfully hit the ball into another player's square and eliminate them. The eliminated player rotates out of the court, and the remaining players move up to fill the vacant squares.
  • Scoring: Points are scored by becoming the King in Square 1. Once a player achieves this position, they can continue scoring points by getting "Kills" – hitting the ball out of bounds or into the net, resulting in another player's elimination.
  • Gameplay: The game continues with players trying to maintain their position or advance to become the King. Players must stay alert and use quick reflexes to respond to the ball's movement and the actions of other players.
  • Winning: The game continues until a predetermined number of rounds or until a player reaches a set number of points, depending on the rules established before the game begins.

Nine Square is a highly enjoyable and competitive game that encourages teamwork, strategy, and precision. It promotes physical activity, hand-eye coordination, and quick decision-making while fostering friendly competition and social interaction among players. Its adaptability makes it suitable for various settings, from schoolyards and recreational centers to summer camps and community events.


Scavenger Hunt - Scavenger hunt is an exciting and interactive indoor or outdoor game where participants search for specific items, clues, or treasures hidden in a designated area. It can be played individually or in teams, making it a popular activity for parties, team-building events, school outings, and family gatherings. The goal of a scavenger hunt is to find all the items or complete the list of tasks within a given time limit.

Here's how a scavenger hunt is typically organized and played:

  • Preparation: The game organizer or host creates a list of items, clues, or tasks that participants need to find or complete during the hunt. The list is usually printed or provided to each team or individual.
  • Teams or Individuals: Participants are divided into teams or play individually, depending on the size of the group and the complexity of the hunt.
  • Rules and Instructions: The game host explains the rules, boundaries of the play area, and any specific guidelines for the scavenger hunt. Safety precautions are also discussed to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
  • Start of the Hunt: The game begins, and participants set out to find the items or complete the tasks on the list. They must use their observational skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork to succeed.
  • Finding Items: Participants explore the designated area, looking for the items listed on their scavenger hunt list. The items can be physical objects, specific plants or animals, landmarks, or even clues leading to the next location.
  • Completing Tasks: Some scavenger hunts include tasks or challenges that participants must complete instead of finding physical items. These tasks can be silly, creative, or skill-based, adding an element of fun and excitement to the game.
  • Time Limit: Scavenger hunts typically have a time limit to add urgency and excitement. Participants must strategize and prioritize their search efforts to finish the hunt within the allotted time.
  • Gather and Review: At the end of the time limit, participants return to the starting point, and the game host collects their scavenger hunt lists. The host then reviews the lists or checks completed tasks to determine the winners.
  • Winners and Prizes: The team or individual who finds the most items or completes the tasks correctly is declared the winner. Prizes or rewards may be given to the winning team or participants.

Scavenger hunts are not only entertaining but also offer several benefits, such as promoting teamwork, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and physical activity. They encourage participants to explore their surroundings, learn new things, and work collaboratively while having a great time.


Escape Room - Escape room is an interactive and immersive real-life adventure game where participants are locked in a themed room and must solve a series of puzzles, riddles, and challenges within a set time limit to "escape" the room. The game requires teamwork, critical thinking, communication, and creativity as participants work together to unravel the mysteries and unlock the door to freedom.

Here's how an escape room game typically works:

  • Introduction and Briefing: Participants are welcomed by a game master who explains the rules, backstory, and objectives of the escape room. They are given a set amount of time, usually 60 minutes, to solve all the puzzles and escape the room.
  • Themed Room: The escape room is intricately designed to fit a specific theme or storyline, such as a haunted house, a spy mission, a pirate ship, or a science lab. The room is filled with various clues, props, and locks that players must interact with to progress.
  • Team Formation: Participants form teams, usually consisting of 2 to 6 players, depending on the escape room's capacity. Team members must communicate effectively, share information, and collaborate to succeed.
  • Puzzle Solving: Once inside the escape room, the clock starts ticking, and participants must explore the room to find clues and hidden objects. They use these clues to solve puzzles, unlock locks, open secret compartments, and uncover additional clues.
  • Progression and Storyline: As players solve puzzles and unlock new areas, the storyline unfolds, revealing more details about the narrative and the mystery they are trying to solve.
  • Multiple Puzzles: Escape rooms typically have multiple interconnected puzzles that require different skills and types of thinking. These can include math puzzles, logic puzzles, word puzzles, pattern recognition, and more.
  • Game Master Assistance: If a team gets stuck on a particularly challenging puzzle, they can request hints or clues from the game master, who monitors their progress through surveillance cameras.
  • Time Management: Participants must manage their time wisely, as the clock is constantly ticking. Teams must prioritize puzzles and tasks to maximize their chances of escaping within the time limit.
  • Escaping or Not: At the end of the allotted time, whether the participants escape the room or not, the game master typically debriefs the team, highlighting their achievements and areas for improvement.

Escape rooms provide an immersive and thrilling experience, allowing players to step into different worlds and become part of an exciting adventure. They promote teamwork, problem-solving, lateral thinking, and creativity, making them an excellent activity for team-building, family outings, or simply a fun and challenging experience for friends to enjoy together.

In summary, a youth group is a dynamic and supportive community that provides teenagers with a space to socialize, learn, and grow. It offers a wide array of activities and programs, promoting personal development, skill building, advocacy, and a sense of belonging among its members. These groups play a vital role in empowering young individuals and nurturing future leaders while creating lasting friendships and memories.

Indoor Youth Group Games

Nicholas Lowe

About the Author

A consistent contributor to PE health and game ideas. Nic has been writing for Castle Sports for 2 years.

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